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Donna Hall

As Robertson Lowstuter's SVP and General Manager, Donna Hall is a seasoned executive and coach with a relationship-based style. She connects quickly with clients to identify strengths and opportunities for growth. She uses coaching sessions, Behavioral IQ and other interpersonal assessments, as well as inter-company feedback to build awareness. She believes a foundation of understanding oneself is the beginning of true and sustained growth, therefore these assessments, coaching sessions, and feedback analyses are then used to create action plans for personal growth. With her background in media, she also works well with those in need of improved executive communications and executive presence. Donna’s focus on authenticity, humility in the workplace, and servant leadership foster inclusive and growth environments. She works with executives, high-potential leaders, and those transitioning into executive roles.

Leading During Personal Adversity: A Guide for Executives

Leading During Personal Adversity: A Guide for Executives

We often discuss leading businesses through adversity, but what about leading when YOU are going through personal adversity? How do you show up daily to lead others and a business when navigating your own personal crisis?

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Delivering Lovingly Candid Employee Feedback: 8 Steps for Productive Constructive Communication

Many of us have read Kim Scott’s critically acclaimed book, “Radical Candor,” which highlights the importance of providing both positive and...

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yellow and blue animated smiley faces on bodies piecing white puzzle pieces together

Finding Your Perfect Match: How to Choose an Executive Coach

Exceptional leadership is more critical today than it ever has been before. Executives regularly juggle strategic decisions, manage teams, and...

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colorful hot air balloon floating in front of the sunset sky

Finding Your Dream Job: Where Intellectual Fulfillment Meets Heart Joy

A former colleague and friend connected with me today to talk about career crossroads and how to know when it is time to pivot and what to pivot to,...

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The “Non-Compete” Rule: Unpacking Its Impact for Employers and Employees

In the dynamic landscape of employment law, a seismic shift has occurred with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent ruling, signaling the end...

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